Let's talk about the title now and later. It comes from a candy that was made in the 60s call Now and Laters. The purpose of the candy was to give you so great of a taste now that you will want more later. It was manufactured in Brooklyn New York in 1962 and still is around today. 1 Peter 1:3-5 it has three main points; New Birth, Inheritance, and Complete Salvation,
It is something that we need now but truly will want later. Because it is that good and it will never lose its power. It is a living hope because it is grounded on the living word of God and was made possible by the living Son of God who arose from the dead. A "living hope" is one that has life in it and therefore can give life to us. Because it has life, it grows and becomes greater and more beautiful as time goes on. That's why we have to see the word for what it is and it is fact because we have seen God's word grow and grow. But Theory hasn't been proved. God's word is good for now and also later, that's why it's a Living Hope. Can I offer you some now and laters?